Japan Endovascular Treatment Conference 2021 (JET2021)



Online Hospitality room



Presentation Award
Under 35 challenge!!

Presentation Award


JET2021 calls for cases and abstracts. Please read all the information below and submit your abstracts from the link below.
Multiple applications are allowed. If you submit several cases/abstracts, please submit one by one.

The most outstanding case/abstract will be given an award during the Presentation Award Session which will be held on May 2nd (Sunday). The presenter must give the same presentation for this session.


1.AAA 2.ALI 3.Ao iliac
4.Atherectomy / Debulking 5.BTA (Bellow the ankle) 6.BTK (Bellow the knee)
7.Calcification 8.CAS 9.CLI
10.Complication 11.CTO 12.EVAR
13.EVT devices 14.Imaging 15.Non stenting zone
16.Hemostatic device 17.Physiology 18.RAS
19.SFA 20.Vein 21.TEVAR
22.AV access 23.Other

Submission Period

Case and Abstract submission is now closed.
The meeting organizers wish to thank everyone for your submissions.

Qualification Requirements

You are required to attend JET2021 on April 30th – May 2nd 2021 as long as circumstances allow, if your case(s)/abstract(s) is(are) accepted for presentation.
You are required to submit your presentation data with audio in advance, if you will not be able to attend JET2021.

Application Method

Submit abstracts through website. Abstracts must be no more than 200 words exclude name and title.
You may include up to 1 figure or image with your abstract - the figure and image must have a title.

* You may confirm / modify your abstracts up to the deadline using your ID number and password.

Submission Confirmation

After completing all the submission process, you will receive a confirmation E-mail. If you do not receive a confirmation E-mail, please contact the secretariat. You may have entered a wrong E- mail address or may have failed to complete your submission.

Presentation Style

Language: English (Both Oral and Slide)
Presentation Time: 6 minutes presentation, 4 minutes Q&A.
PowerPoint Slide: Maximum of 20 slides. Must be used JET2021 Slide Master.

Please note...

  • All abstracts will be peer reviewed by JET2021 program committee.
  • Results will be informed via E-mail around the middle of December.
  • Registration fee will be waived for presenters. However, the Congress will not be able to absorb the expenses related to travel and accommodation.
  • Presentation schedule will be arranged by the Congress.

If you have any questions, please contact the secretariat as shown below.

JET2021 Secretariat
c/o Congress Corporation
E-mail: jet2021[あ]congre[ど]co[ど]jp([あ] を @ に,[ど] を . に変えてください。)

Under 35 challenge!!


JET2021では昨年に引き続き、「Under 35 challenge!! 」セッションを企画しています。35歳以下の医師を対象とし、日本語での演題応募/発表が可能です。35歳以下の医師で「under 35 challenge!!」への応募を希望される場合は、「under 35 challenge!!」への演題登録をお願い致します。

最終日のClosing Ceremonyで、最優秀賞を表彰いたします。


1.AAA 2.ALI 3.Ao iliac
4.Atherectomy / Debulking 5.BTA (Bellow the ankle) 6.BTK (Bellow the knee)
7.Calcification 8.CAS 9.CLI
10.Complication 11.CTO 12.EVAR
13.EVT devices 14.Imaging 15.Non stenting zone
16.Hemostatic device 17.Physiology 18.RAS
19.SFA 20.Vein 21.TEVAR
22.AV access 23.Other

Submission Period

Abstract submission is now closed.
The meeting organizers wish to thank everyone for your submissions.

Qualification Requirements

You are required to attend JET2021 on April 30th – May 2nd 2021 as long as circumstances allow, if your case(s)/abstract(s) is(are) accepted for presentation.
You are required to submit your presentation data with audio in advance, if you will not be able to attend JET2021.

Application Method

Submit abstracts through website. Abstracts must be no more than 200 characters exclude name and title.
You may include up to 1 figure or image with your abstract - the figure and image must have a title.

* You may confirm / modify your abstracts up to the deadline using your ID number and password.

Submission Confirmation

After completing all the submission process, you will receive a confirmation E-mail. If you do not receive a confirmation E-mail, please contact the secretariat. You may have entered a wrong E- mail address or may have failed to complete your submission.

Presentation Style

Language: Japanese (Both Oral and Slide)
Presentation Time: 6 minutes presentation, 4 minutes Q&A.
PowerPoint Slide: Maximum of 20 slides. Must be used JET2021 Slide Master.

Please note...

  • All abstracts will be peer reviewed by JET2021 program committee.
  • Results will be informed via E-mail around the middle of December.
  • Registration fee will be waived for presenters. However, the Congress will not be able to absorb the expenses related to travel and accommodation.
  • Presentation schedule will be arranged by the Congress.

If you have any questions, please contact the secretariat as shown below.

JET2021 Secretariat
c/o Congress Corporation
E-mail: jet2021[あ]congre[ど]co[ど]jp([あ] を @ に,[ど] を . に変えてください。)




  • 原則JET会員であること。(未加入の方は入会手続き後、応募してください。)

一般社団法人 JET事務局
〒814-0001 福岡県福岡市早良区百道浜1-7-5
Mタワー 11階




1.看護 2.チーム医療 3.フットケア
4.創傷ケア 5.クリニカルパス 6.薬物療法・理学療法
7.リハビリテーション 8.止血デバイス 9.合併症
10.放射線防護 11.血管エコー 12.IVUS・FFR
13.炭酸ガス血管造影 14.その他






応募された症例・演題は、JET2021 プログラム委員会にて厳選な審査のうえ、採択の可否を決定いたします。採否の結果は12月中旬ころまでにE-mailにてご連絡させていただきます。採否の結果は12月中旬ころまでにE-mailにてご連絡させていただきます。




  • 複数の応募も可能です。1演題ずつご登録をお願いします。
  • 応募が完了すると、受付完了メール(自動)が送信されます。メールを受信されない場合は、メールアドレスが間違っているか、応募が完了していない場合がございますので、運営事務局までご連絡ください。
  • 日程、時間の調整は事務局にて調整させていただきます。
  • 採択された方は、参加費を免除とさせていただきます。
  • 本会では交通・宿泊・その他の費用に関しては負担できかねますので予めご了承ください。

JET2021 運営事務局
〒541-0047 大阪市北区大深町3-1 
TEL:06-6292-6061 FAX:06-6292-6066
E-mail:jet2021[あ]congre[ど]co[ど]jp([あ] を @ に,[ど] を . に変えてください。)


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