Japan Endovascular Treatment Conference 2017(JET2017)

Japan Endovascular Treatment Conference 2017(JET2017)


As of February 14, 2017


Time Table February17(Fri) PDF Time Table February18(Sat) PDF Time Table February19(Sun) PDF


Live Demonstration PDF Presentation Award PDF

Live Demonstration

<Transmitting from: Sendai Kousei Hospital>

February 17 (Fri)

Tomoyasu Sato Tsuchiya General Hospital
Koji Hozawa New Tokyo Hospital
Takao Okamura Okamura Hospital
Osamu Iida Kansai Rosai Hospital

February 18 (Sat)

Naoto Inoue Tokyo Kamata Hospital/ Sendai Kousei Hospital
Yoshiaki Yokoi Kishiwada Tokushukai Hospital
Akira Miyamoto Takatsu General Hospital

<Transmitting from: Tokeidai Memorial Hospital>

February 17 (Fri)

Kazushi Urasawa Tokeidai Memorial Hospital
Ryoji Koshida Tokeidai Memorial Hospital
Hiroshi Ando Kasukabe Chuo General Hospital
Tatsuya Nakama Miyazaki Medical Association Hospital

<Transmitting from: Saiseikai Yokohama City Eastern Hospital>

February 18 (Sat)

Keisuke Hirano Saiseikai Yokohama City Eastern Hospital
Daizo Kawasaki Morinomiya Hospital
Yoshihisa Kinoshita Toyohashi Heart Center
Masato Nakamura Toho University Ohashi Medical Center
Yoshito Yamamoto Iwaki Kyoritsu General Hospital
Takuya Sekiyama Kyorin University School of Medicine


February 17 (Fri) 10:15–12:00

Hall 2 (GREEN WIND 2)
Chairs: Naoto Inoue
Yoshiaki Yokoi
Seung-Woon Rha
Panels: John R. Laird
Michael Dake
Lawrence A. Garcia
Jihad A. Mustapha
Speakers: Overview of all available stents in the SFA/POP lesion
John R. Laird
Efficacy of SUPERA stent in SFA and CFA lesions
Seung-Woon Rha
BATTLE RCT. Bare metal stent versus drug eluting stent for SFA intermediate lesions, preliminary results. It is the first study comparing DES and BMS for SFA lesions
Yann Gouëffic
Peripheral Applications of Bioabsorbable Stents
Michael Dake
Why and how do I use mechanical debulking for the treatment of SFA/POP lesions?
Jihad A. Mustapha
Excimer laser angioplasty in SFA/POP
Naoto Inoue
SilverHawk plaque excision and Jetstream atherectomy system in SFA
Lawrence A. Garcia
Video live (Orbital Atherectomy)
Naoto Inoue  Courtesy of Rajesh Dave

Drug coated balloon summit Part I

February 18 (Sat) 10:30–12:00

Hall 2 (GREEN WIND 2)
Chairs: Hiroyoshi Yokoi
John R. Laird
Takao Ohki
Panels: Young-Guk Ko
Yann Gouëffic
Osamu Iida
Speakers: Keynote lecture
Drug coated balloon in peripheral artery disease

John R Laird
FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: 12-month results from the MDT-2113 SFA Japan trial – DCB vs. standard PTA for the treatment of atherosclerotic lesions in the SFA/PPA
Osamu Iida
How to optimize outcomes of drug coated balloons in femoropopliteal artery disease?
Young-Guk Ko
The role for DCBs in the treatment of ISR
Yann Gouëffic
How to use DCB and DES in peripheral artery disease?
Hiroyoshi Yokoi
The role of Gore Viabahn for treating complex femoropopliteal occlusive disease in the era of DCB: Results from the Japanese IDE trial
Takao Ohki

Drug coated balloon summit Part II

February 18 (Sat) 16:50–18:20

Hall 2 (GREEN WIND 2)
Chairs: Masato Nakamura
Jihad A. Mustapha
Lawrence A. Garcia
Panels: Kazushi Urasawa
Young-Guk Ko
Speakers: Patterns of restenosis: a core lab driven assessment of SFA restenosis a potential shift to unify various trials
Lawrence A. Garcia
Drug coated balloon in below the knee disease From 2 failed RCTs
Jihad A. Mustapha
DCB Efficacy In the SFA: Class-Effect or Device Specific?
John R. Laird
Does vessel prep still matter in DCB era?
Lawrence A. Garcia
Great Debate: Atherectomy Is Critical for Success of DCB!
Jihad A. Mustapha
Atherectomy adds nothing to DCB success except labor and cost?
Young-Guk Ko

Korean session at JET

February 18 (Sat) 13:20–14:50

Hall 5 (ANEMONE)
Chairs: Seung-Hyuk Choi (Samsung Medical Center)
Hiroyoshi Yokoi (Fukuoka Sanno Hospital)
Speakers —Case Presentation—
Won-Yu Kang (Gwangju Veterans Hospital)
Pil-Hyung Lee (Asan Medical Center)
See-Won Lee (Busan Veterans Hospital)
Hyun-Sook Kim (Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital)
Panels: Norihiko Shinozaki (Tokai University School of Medicine)
Masahiko Fujihara (Kishiwada Tokushukai Hospital)
Tatsuya Nakama (Miyazaki Medical Association Hospital)

JET meets TTT

February 18 (Sat) 14:50–16:20

Hall 5 (ANEMONE)
Chairs: Wei-Kung Tseng (E-Da University Hospital)
Masato Nakamura (Toho University Ohashi Medical Center)
Speakers —Case Presentation—
Jen-Kuang Lee (National Taiwan University Hospital)
Chun-Chi Chen (Linkou Chang Gung Meorial Hospital)
Chung-ho Hsu (China Medical University Hospital)
Po-Chao Hsu (Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital)
Panels: Nobuhiko Ogata (Ageo Central General Hospital)
Hitoshi Anzai (Ota Memorial Hospital)
Kenji Suzuki (Tokyo Saiseikai Central Hospital)

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